Dedicated to the ART of Theatre
The Woman in Black
Adapted by: Stephen Mallatratt. From the book by: Susan Hill
Directed by Beth Selinger
Brighter Days Foundation is our choice for community giving for this performance.
For more information about this foundation,
Kevin Yeager WiB Interview
Beth Selinger WiB Interview-2023
Production Team
Landon Aulie
Tech Booth Crew
Heidi Eckwall
Lighting Designer
Venue Partner
Beth Selinger
Curtis Jendro
Sound Design
Proud Member
Nancy Ryan
Tech Booth Crew
Tim Leagjeld
Set Design/Builder
Proud Member
Box Office: Missy Bjerga
House Manager: Nancy Jendro & Melissa Yeager
Ushers: Julie Virnig, Jill Vice, Judy Hauglie
Stage Hands: Mike Anderson & Don Abbott
Special Thanks to:
Joey Yow and Lucy Peterson from CLCPAC for their time and talents.
Leon Dahlvang and the rest of the CLC Graphic Arts Dept. for their printing services.
Produced by special arrangement with Concord Theatricals.
This activity is made possible in part by the voters of Minnesota, through a grant from the Five Wings Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.